Those Early-Morning Testosterone Blues

The Journal of Urology recently carried a report of research addressing the problem of obtaining correct testosterone measurements in men with erectile dysfunction. Acknowledging that levels fluctuate significantly throughout a 24-hour daily cycle in men younger than 45, researchers recommended that testosterone be measured as close to 7 a.m. as possible in men of that age.

Entirely apart from the issue of how patients feel about early mornings (not to mention scheduling their sex lives to accommodate optimal testosterone levels), this recommendation completely overlooks the best solution to the problem. That solution, of course, is the Rhein Labs 24-hour hormone profile, which provides accurate data spanning the entire 24-hour circadian cycle. For practitioners who use the hormone profile, age is just a number: important to the whole picture, but not a determinant of accuracy. When accuracy is the goal – and accuracy is always the goal – nothing compares to the precision, reliability, and reproducibility of Rhein Labs’ 24-hour hormone profile.

The Rhein Advantage

Rhein Labs is an independent clinical and research laboratory with a unique focus on hormone profiling. Rhein also offers a range of additional analytical services, including the only human growth hormone (HGH) assay developed specifically for use with a 24-hour urine sample to provide the most relevant and accurate assay in existence for HGH measurements in adults. This important assay is available in the United States exclusively by Rhein Labs. In addition, we offer a Vitamin D assay in serum, representing the gold standard upon which all other Vitamin D assays are based, as well as specialty assays, including custom work, as requested by our clients.

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